Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No hibernation in spring...

So I bet you are all wondering what happened to my blog? I moved to Raleigh at the beginning of April. What a change of pace! I hit the ground running in both the professional and the man department. Raleigh has a smorgasbord of men... anything from a reggae-loving architect to a hilarious and hot handyman. I opted to join match.com because of my social ineptitude while also frequenting typical man-hangouts (ie, bars). My Raleigh experience has a bit of both, but I'll be honest, the online world seems to be the way to go.

I am not new to the online dating world. I think I placed my first online dating ad in 1997. I caught a really great guy that I dated for several years and who I am still friends with today. I also caught a rotten FBI agent in 2004... he's the married one with two kids that will get an entry all his own (Just when you think shit like that only happens in movies, you live it!... at least I did).

I've never really "dated" in the sense that I've either been very single or been in a relationship. While this transition has been hard (My sweet daughter is still in the mountains with her fantastic grandmother finishing out the school year), this has been a grand opportunity to sow some wild oats and try out that nebulous, yet exciting concept called dating. On April 14, I cast out my line on match and hooked a series of carp, sharks, swordfish, and some ocean trash (hey, that guy is still out there!).

I would like to point out that none of the men I have encountered have been selected specifically for material for this blog. One of us contacted the other in general interest. And I did inform each of them of my intention to write about the experience regardless of outcome. Trust me, I'd rather meet Mr. Perfect-for-Me and toss aside this nonsense. But alas, the saga of mid-thirties singledom prevails. Dating isn't all bad and certainly helped me toughen my hide a bit and be a little more confident and firm on what is non-negotiable for me. Honesty will always rank at the top of the requirements list. No matter how bad something is, honesty is important. Without it, our relationships are like houses built on sand. And boy is there some dishonesty online! You have a risk-free way to sell yourself to a wide market of potential mates, and you lie? As of this very moment, I have had 3,379 views since my profile posted. You'd think there would be a keeper in there somewhere. Maybe there is. I'm waiting on it just now. I believe in jinxing a good situation, so I'll hold onto that jewel for now. You can bet your boots that he'll get his on entry if it doesn't work out.

A hot handyman who can build shit, fix shit, and throw it down right. Applicants will need to be unmarried and emotionally available. A background check, interview, and skill demonstration required. Ability to construct a thought into a sentence, and even better, a compelling conversation a bonus. Compensation negotiable and will be based on skill-level and previous experience.

No, my match ad did not say any of that... ok, maybe for about a day... but I did write and re-write my ad based on the responses. If I'm not attracting anybody I would even consider, why not change it up? It's much easier to write about my experiences than to try to write about myself in a way to attract a potential mate. I guess I could shell out $39.99 for the additional match service to write my profile for me. I cringe and also think I could better spend the forty on wings and beer down at the local bar that's bursting at the seams with eligible men of all sorts.

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